GREEN-FINGERED youngsters from schools across York converged on York’s historic Guildhall for a cookery lesson.

This year North Yorkshire County Caterers, who provide school meals for the majority of state schools in York and North Yorkshire, have formed a partnership with Sutton’s seeds.

Seeds were sent out to schools for youngsters to grow vegetables and they also received growing charts designed by Rob Marshall, the area catering manager for County Caterers, with guidance from Suttons.

Mr Marshall said: “This was done as part of our effort to encourage children to understand where vegetables come from and to grow their own and each of the schools were asked to send in photos of their efforts for a display.”

The catering firm also hosted the event at Guildhall, which was attended by Coun Sue Galloway, the Lord Mayor of York, to display some of the produce grown by youngsters at city schools and to hold cookery demonstrations with recipe ideas to show the children how to get the most out of their greens.