WITH just one day to go until entries close for our Community Pride Awards, another four nominations have dropped in to our mail box.

The Plough Inn, in Fulford, has been put forward for the Service With A Smile accolade in recognition of the support staff at the pub have offered the family of Leo Brown, who died when he was just nine weeks old, a suspected victim of cot death.

Meanwhile, Boyce Jackson, head of music at Millthorpe School, has been nominated by members of the school orchestra for the Drax-sponsored Teacher Of The Year title.

Megan Forgan said she had become more confident thanks to Mr Jackson, while Kate Chapman told how “his imagination and dedication rub off on everyone”.

They said he had also been an inspiration to the 50 primary school pupils who visited Millthorpe School last week to attend a Band Day.

In just one day he put together a show for parents to watch, including a song he had written especially for the occasion, inspired by Spain’s victory in the World Cup.

We have also received a nomination for Edible York, the team of volunteers who have created York’s first public vegetable plot in Paragon Street.

Passers-by are encouraged to water the plot and, in return, can help themselves to salad, kale, squash, courgettes, beans and fresh herbs.

Fishergate ward councillor Dave Taylor, who nominated the group, said: “It brightens up the area, allows younger people to learn about plants, saves money on buying food, promotes an active lifestyle and encourages neighbours to talk to each other.”

Finally, children at Carr Junior School are in the running to win Best Primary School Project for their tireless work trying to improve their neighbourhood.

Pupils were so disgusted by the amount of dog mess they saw when patrolling the streets with police, they launched a campaign for cleaner streets.

They collected 400 signatures on a petition for action by the council and designed posters to be put up in the community to educate and inform dog owners about their responsibilities.

To nominate your unsung hero, fill in the entry form and return it with a supporting statement by tomorrow.

York Press: Community Pride Awards 2010 - categories and sponsors