RESIDENTS in one area of York are being encouraged to stop using plastic bags in favour of an eco-friendly cotton shopping bag designed by local primary school children.

Every household in Fulford will receive a free cotton bag as part of a campaign by Fulford Parish Council to create a plastic bag-free zone.

Parish councillors secured funding from City of York Council for the project and invited children from St Oswald’s CE Primary School to come up with a design for the bag.

Year 6 pupil Shaun Hill was the lucky youngster whose artwork was selected.

Rupert Griffiths, head teacher at St Oswald’s, said: “As a school we are very keen to promote the sustainable agenda and this has been a good way of getting that message across to the children.

“It’s a simple way you can help the planet and certainly, from Shaun’s point of view, the chance to see his design carried by all the residents of Fulford is absolutely fantastic.”

Fulford ward councillor Keith Aspden said: “The campaign is aimed at the reduction of plastic bags in Fulford. Plastic bags are generally produced on the other side of the world and can take up to 1,000 years to decay.

“By cutting down on the use of plastic bags in Fulford we can do our bit to help the local environment.”

Councillor Ann Reid, the council’s executive member for neighbourhoods, also gave her backing to the bags, which carry the slogan ‘Fulford battles for the future’.

She said: “We are keen to work with parish councils and local residents to reduce the amount of waste that is being produced in as many ways as possible.

“The campaign will help to improve the local environment, reduce carbon dioxide emissions from landfill and reduce landfill tax costs to council tax payers.”

One bag is being delivered free to every household in Fulford and the bags will also be available to buy for £1 at local shops.