I SHOULD like to add a few words in appreciation of the late Maurice Smith (Death of veteran and library chief, July 13).

I remember seeing, almost 70 years ago, a photograph in the former Yorkshire Evening Press of Maurice reading a copy of the newspaper which had been sent out to him while undergoing pilot training in South Africa.

After his colourful and courageous wartime career, I got to know him well in the course of my work and began a friendship which was to last for another 50 years.

Maurice, right, was a diligent and tireless worker in the field of local knowledge and served York’s citizens in memorable ways, particularly, as has been already stated, as a mentor and friendly advisor to generations of university students who found their way to the York history room of the central reference library. His reputation for chasing a problem to the end was legendary.

I am sure it will be of interest to his many friends and colleagues to learn that Maurice possessed a rather rare treasure – the Golden Caterpillar, a tiny modest badge awarded to pilots who had saved their lives by bailing out of their stricken aircraft.

Ronald Willis, Meadlands, York.