JUDGES for our Community Pride Awards will face some tough decisions in the Spirit of Youth category after we received yet more nominations for inspirational teenagers.

Luke Tattersall was put forward by Marienne Alexander, his sixth form tutor at All Saints RC School, who praised the 17-year-old for making a real difference.

As well as helping out at the after-school homework club, he also gives up his spare time to play games with dementia patients at St Helen’s Rehabilitation Hospital in York.

He is an active member of the school council, regularly raises money for charity, was a member of York MP Hugh Bayley’s canvassing team and is a volunteer at York’s annual Roman Festival.

Meanwhile, Katy Sharp, of Danebury Drive, has been nominated for the Nestlé-sponsored Spirit of Youth award in recognition of her commitment to York Youth Council.

The 15-year-old was put forward by Becca Wilkins, of City of York Council’s children’s trust unit, who said she had been a key organiser of the city’s recent Festival Of Youth.

She said: “She has shown great enthusiasm and has been a brilliant representative for young people across York.”

Millthorpe School pupil Eddie Gough, whose quick-thinking actions prevented a gas explosion that could have killed his elderly neighbour, is another contender for the award.

When the 14-year-old smelled gas at his Holgate home he wasted no time in phoning a gas engineer who arrived to discover his neighbour’s gas cooker had been left on since lunchtime.

He has been nominated by his school’s deputy head teacher, Scott Butterworth, who said Eddie was also a “hard-working student” and “lively character” who had stood as a candidate for the Monster Raving Looney Party in the school’s mock election on May 6, giving his speech in fancy dress.

Finally, 15-year-old Sasha Dhesi, who was told by doctors she would probably never walk again after suffering a stroke when she was 12, has been nominated by her mum, Jas Dhesi.

Sasha, of Wigginton, was determined not to remain in her wheelchair and through hard-work and resilience she can now walk with the aid of a stick on flat surfaces. Despite getting extremely tired, Sasha still takes time to help younger pupils at Huntington School with their homework, and next term she will be a Year 11 prefect.

Entries for our Community Pride Awards, which we are running in conjunction with City of York Council and Benenden Healthcare Society, close today.

Email your nomination to paula.homer@thepress.co.uk by midnight.

York Press: Community Pride Awards 2010 - categories and sponsors