Like Tony Howlett, I totally disagree with Tom Mitchell’s suggestion (Scrap overseas help, July 19) that we cut overseas aid. It is only when one visits some of the places abroad where people literally live from hand to mouth, where natural disasters leave millions homeless and hopeless and where children are lucky to see their first birthday that people in this country realise just how lucky we are, with our National Health Service, our social services, our standard of living and, most of all, the lack of corruption in high places. Yet, still people here whinge about their lives and I suppose it is part of human nature to want more.

That said, I am always amazed and gladdened at the generous response of ordinary people in this country to calls for aid from overseas, and long may this continue. Only one thing I would certainly change, and that is our willingness to send our brave men to die in fighting wars which are not of our making and which seem to be endless.

When is someone going to call a halt and bring our boys home? 2015 is too late by far – by the end of this year would not be a moment too soon.

Heather Causnett, Escrick Park Gardens, Escrick, York.