Well, the “new” politics didn’t last long, did it? The unseemly haste with which Michael Gove is driving through his plans for thousands of academies shows that the coalition consists of old-style politicians more concerned with choking off proper debate about their policies than concerning themselves about the impact these independent schools will have on the education of children.

Gove says that he wants the new academies ready by September, but these schools are already outstanding – so what’s the hurry?

Could it be that Gove and his chums in the coalition want to stifle opposition to the proposals before it can get off the ground?

We mustn’t let them get away with it. The new academies will destroy the co-operative spirit which all schools in York have built up over many years with benefit for all.

If the Lib-Dem controlled council in York truly wants to maintain that spirit, they need to come out and oppose these proposals now – the clock is ticking.

Neil Barnes, Micklegate, York.