IT IS D-Day for York on Thursday when the Yorkshire In Bloom judges make their final visit to the city.

The judges will tour the city to decide whether York’s floral offerings and street environment meets the Gold standard.

They will visit a wider variety of sites across the city, including Carr Junior School, Low Moor Community Kids’ Allotment, Earswick Scented Garden project, Rowntree Park and the Treasurer’s House, as well as Haxby, Wigginton, Melrosegate and Fulford.

Liz Levett, the city’s York in Bloom co-ordinator, said: “The city is looking fantastic and everyone has been working hard to get York in tip-top condition for the day.

“The floral tubs, hanging baskets and barrier baskets are at their best this year.

“But the competition is not just about flowers. It’s about encouraging residents to take pride in their local area and I know from travelling round York that residents and local businesses really do care about their city.”