ENGINEERING at the limits of technology is an expensive business. The Space Shuttle Challenger shows that when something goes wrong the results can be catastrophic.

The safety checks on the shuttle were detailed and rigorous yet disaster struck with the loss of the crew.

The rig Deepwater Horizon was also operating at the limits of technology, but according to reports safety procedures were ignored as there is allegedly a “time is money” attitude shown by BP which compromised safety.

There now seems to be a lack of news from the Gulf as apparently the press have been banned from the centre of operations. This has started a rumour mill on the internet that things are not going to plan, and the geology around the wellhead is unstable and may be prone to collapse.

This is my planet, this is our only earth, and I believe we have a right to know exactly what is going on in the Gulf.

Freedom for journalists to report, both in war and peace, and on the critical environmental issues is too important to be left to the engineers, military, or swept under the carpet.

Chris Clayton, Hempland Drive, York.