ONE must reply to Heather Causnett’s letter, Let aid continue (Letters, July 24) in reply to my letter, Scrap overseas help, of July 19.

Yes, where our aid has gone before, let them support themselves. We have a massive debt to clear and all Government departments have been told to make big savings.

If Heather Causnett wishes voluntary to support overseas organisations, that is her prerogative, but our taxes should support poverty in this country first. Maybe Heather Causnett lives in a dream world – no poverty in this country.

One suggests she takes a journey to the likes of Liverpool, Manchester and nearer to York, Leeds.

Hopefully places such as these would open her eyes. That’s where overseas aid should go too; we should look after ourselves first. Then, anything over, dish out overseas. Maybe Heather Causnett should speak to the people on this matter. The answer she would get would certainly open her eyes.

Tom Mitchell, Mendip Close, Huntington, York.