AN EPILEPSY sufferer from York is devoting the next decade of his life to cycling around the world.

Kevin Ringland is preparing to set off on his daunting, pedal-powered global challenge next week to raise money and awareness for the charity he founded himself.

Kevin embarks on the massive tour on Monday, which is also his 30th birthday, with backing from Cycling City York, the project which aims to promote the mode of travel in his home city.

Kevin suffers from a form of epilepsy and regularly has to cope with sudden seizures.

He says highlighting the condition and the help available to those battling it is paramount in his mind as he prepares for a round-the-world journey which will only allow him occasional trips home to see his family and friends.

“The main reasons for me doing this, and for setting up The Epilepsy Charity, are to improve people’s knowledge and understanding of epilepsy,” he said.

“I hope to improve the lives of all epileptics and prove though, although we are disabled, with a little help and, more importantly, understanding, we can accomplish all we put our minds to.

“Before I set off, I am making contact with other British epilepsy charities to try to get the message out to all epileptics.”

A string of York organisations have helped Kevin prepare for his mission, including Cycle Heaven, Snapshot Media and Shine Studios.

Cycling City York programme manager Graham Titchener said: “Kevin is setting a fantastic example by showing that a debilitating illness needn’t be a barrier to cycling.

“We’ve been working hard in York to demonstrate that people of all ages and abilities can enjoy cycling, including those affected by illness, a physical disability or a sensory impairment.

“His brave and ambitious charity fundraising mission is extremely inspiring and we wish him every success.

“I’m sure hearing Kevin’s story will encourage others to overcome the barriers which have previously prevented them from cycling and perhaps give it a try.”

More information about the charity and Kevin’s world tour is available at