RESIDENTS in York have another month to give their views on whether they want to see an elected mayor for the city.

A City of York Council consultation is providing people with two possible options for how its executive, which makes decisions on key issues, should be formed in the future.

These include introducing an elected mayor and a cabinet structure or revamping the current executive arrangement, with the opinion-seeking exercise running until September 1.

Under the elected mayor and cabinet model, the executive would consist of a mayor voted in by residents to serve a four-year term, while between two and nine councillors would be appointed to the body by the person chosen for the civic role.

Meanwhile, the new-style executive leader and cabinet option would see the group consist of a council leader, again for four years, and a similar-sized group of councillors to the elected mayor alternative.

The Government has asked councils to choose one of the options, with whichever structure is picked coming into force after next year’s council elections, and the consultation is available at