A CRACKDOWN to prevent cold-callers hassling residents of one York community is set to launch next week.

Residents of Mildred Grove, Holgate, requested their street be included in the scheme earlier this year, after seeing the success of similar zones in the area.

Labour councillor for Holgate ward, James Alexander, said the crackdown was an extension of an already popular scheme which had worked in other areas.

Coun Alexander said: “This is good news for local residents. Such schemes have been very popular in Holgate ward.

“Should other residents wish their streets to be adopted for such schemes, please get in contact with your local Labour councillors and we can request the council begins the consultation process.”

Since the zones were introduced in 2008, more than 250 similar schemes have been launched across North Yorkshire, and 100 in York, including Howe Hill Close, St Swithin’s Walk, Burnsall Drive, off Sowerby Road.

In the zones, residents agree not to deal with cold-callers, and signs on lamp-posts and windows warn uninvited callers are not welcome.

Nearly 4,500 properties in York are included in the zones, which are aimed at preventing residents from becoming the victims of crime from cold-callers and to stop groups or individuals pressuring people into signing up for goods and services they do not want.

In May this year, the six largest electricity companies in the UK agreed their sales people would not knock on doors which displayed “no cold caller” signs.

Residents are advised that if cold-callers persist, they should note down names and details and report them to the company.