SOME 68 years ago, our class register at Nunthorpe School was “Allan, Appleby… etcetera”.

I have for many years read letters in The Press signed George Appleby – good ones at times. Well, George, I am taking a leaf out of your book and sending my first letter at 80 years of age to The Press.

I attended last week’s bowling at Clarence Gardens and other venues and would like to express through The Press (poetry now!) the excellent organisation and work done by all the helpers and committee, the ladies with refreshments and so forth.

Well done to you all. A lot of pleasure was had by young and old bowlers and spectators. We have to thank the sponsors – I understand the Co-op was one with others. Long may it continue.

Once again on behalf of everyone young and old playing and watching, thank you. I want to be there next year, until then, George, I leave the letter writing to you.

John Allan, Fossway, York.