MOTORISTS in North Yorkshire face yet more misery as a section of the A19 is closed for potentially three months.

North Yorkshire County Council has said the Doncaster Road at Selby could be closed up to the end of October, but no-one was available from the council to comment when contacted by The Press.

Motorists could face long delays while people living in residential streets may soon find their roads being used for diversions.

Doncaster Road will be affected between its junction with Baffam Lane and Courtneys with North Yorkshire County Council installing bollards along the route to prevent householders parking on the verges.

The obvious diversionary route would be along Westbourne Road, but there is also the issue of heavy plant accessing the new hospital and civic centre site.

Town and district councillor Steve Shaw-Wright said: “They have half the road up as it is. It’s going to be a really horrendous time, you may as well pack up your bags and go home.”

Coun Shaw-Wright said he understood Flaxley Road and Scott Road were also being closed for works to street lights. It also comes on top of the closure of Cawood Bridge next week, and after months of disruption in Selby town centre.

He said HGVs would end up having to use the bypass and the already congested town centre. He said if two vehicles met coming in opposite directions in the centre of town with cars parked along the road it could lead to gridlock.