HOW sad that we have to watch continuous processions of the bodies of our brave – often very young – servicemen being paraded through the streets of Wootten Bassett.

One wonders just how the parents, wives, children and siblings are able to cope with first the chilling knock at the door, the often long journey down to attend these mournful processions, and then the sad attendance at their loved one’s funerals. Surely it begs the question – how long does this unnecessary war in Afghanistan have to go on?

We are paying out millions to help out another country at the other side of the world, knowing that there cannot be an end product.

It is an unwinnable war and we are now watching savage cuts in public services and the NHS – you name it, we are cutting it – and yet we are financing someone else’s war, with huge loss of UK servicemen abroad.

It gets very little publicity, but I understand that many of the wives and parents of those lost are very bitter about losing their sons or husbands, and the sooner we withdraw and bring them home the better.

Bryan R Lawson, Burton Fields Road, Stamford Bridge, York.