I WRITE with some hesitation after the wonderful letter from Jane Tomlinson’s husband and that from Helen Dewsbury (Letters, August 3), regarding the York 10K run on Sunday.

I enjoyed watching from the riverside, but after an hour a participant proceeded to practise a practical joke that was not far from assault.

I was not in sloppy clothing, and it was quite chilly, but he saw fit to soak me in water.

I was so angry I left in far from an uplifted mood. He seemed to think that his jolly “sorry it’s my American sense of humour” would cover any situation.

Later my neighbour, who had been present, rang to find out if I was all right and told my husband that this man had returned to wet her and that he was known to the race fraternity.

May I suggest that next year’s organisers make sure that either this person is banned or that the race protocol prohibits such unsporting behaviour that detracts from the spirit of Jane’s memory and this splendid event.

Name and address supplied.