TOM Mitchell felt he had to reply to Heather Causnett’s letter (Letters, July 29), so I feel I must reply to his (Aid at home too).

It seems obvious to me that this man is not a Christian, so let me enlighten him a little.

First of all, the key word is love, and as we are loved so should we love others. God so loved the world that he gave his only Begotten Son. We will never measure up to that.

I wonder how Mr Mitchell would feel if the boot was on the other foot, if he had to suffer in the same manner as these people do who desperately need love in the form of aid?

Our brothers and sisters living in horrendous conditions did not ask to be there, any more than you did to live in our country. Aren’t you lucky?

And let me say this; a country like ours should be ashamed to have people living in poverty. Don’t take it out on those in distress, hungry or homeless, sick and dying. Blame it on those who take the money, sit back and say: “I am all right, Jack.”

I believe in Christian Aid and other organisations spurred on in love.

I have supported it for more than 40 years and will continue to do so, despite the fact that I literally live on the state pension. I do not complain. Money does not buy love; you have to give it.

Love is a small word, but it carries a lot of weight in this world today.

B M Horsley, Raven Grove, Acomb, York.