FISHMONGER Andrew Kenny has become an instant star after appearing in Nestlé’s new TV Milkybar ads.

Andrew, who runs Cross of York’s fish stall in Newgate Market, says he has been inundated by customers calling in and phoning him since the adverts started running on national TV last week.

“The reaction has been amazing,” he said.

“I’ve had people phoning up from as far away as Inverness and the south-west, and customers calling in to say they had seen me on the ad.”

He said the response had even helped boost sales, with some regulars who usually avoided the city centre during the busiest part of the tourist season being drawn in by the ad to visit his business.

The ads, which are publicising the new Milkybar raisin and biscuit variety, made at Nestlé’s York factory, feature several shots of the city, including a scene by the riverside, the railway station and Shambles. Mr Kenny said: “It’s excellent publicity for York. He said the film crew came into the market in the spring and asked two of his staff members, Chris Acey and John Power, if they would take part, but they “chickened out” and he ended up being filmed, after donning the trademark Milkybar blond wig, cowboy hat and glasses.

Advertisers say the campaign aims at replacing the traditional Milkybar kid with Milkybar Kid-ults, in a bid to encourage adults to embrace their inner “kid-ult”.

Organisers say they are still organising a nationwide search for the next Milkybar Kid-ults.

A spokeswomansaid: “All people need to do is log on to and sing the famous song into their webcam, and the computer will superimpose the famous hat and glasses onto their tape.

“The Milkybar Kid is a much-loved character, and those are tough cowboy boots to fill, so we’re excited to see how the public take on the challenge.”

The competition closes on September 12.