THE UK news media have been giving much coverage to the floods in Pakistan always accompanied by appeals for money.

Programme after programme has highlighted the almost non-existent help offered by the Pakistan Government, the Pakistan Army and the general chaos of officialdom. Aid workers talk of there being plenty of food available, but no systems to obtain it and distribute it.

The Pakistan President spends time in this country meeting our Prime Minister and pushing the case for his son’s political stake, while his own countrymen suffer unaided. Pakistan pleads poverty and criticises the UN and lack of international help. But we never hear her complain how wealthy nations like Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, UAE and other Muslim and Islamic states do so very little to help. Perhaps they also know how much corruption exists within Pakistan ?

Our Government has already donated £10 million and British people have sent £7 million. Personally, I believe our Government should not send money, but if individuals wish to use their own money, that is fair enough. Britain has more than enough problems of its own.

David Quarrie, Lynden Way, Acomb, York.