I READ with interest your article regarding my ward colleague James Alexander “going out on the bins” (The Press, July 26).

A few weeks previously, I spent several hours going around areas of Holgate with the council’s recycling and refuse collection officers, following the crews around to see what the effect of ill-conceived Liberal Democrat waste collection changes were having in my ward. After I submitted a petition to the last full council meeting, the Lib Dem executive decided to undergo a consultation with residents over what collection residents would like to see.

I have spent hours cleaning out the back lanes in Leeman Road from bad smelling waste that had not been presented for collection, and it is clear a rethink is necessary as the imposed system is not working in some areas.

The recent changes have led to a rise in fly tipping in these areas, something which under the previous system Holgate councillors had successfully worked hard to control.

As a result, Labour councillors in Holgate and Labour candidates in Westfield are campaigning for end-of-lane collection points, where people want them.

Coun Sonja Crisp, Labour councillor for Holgate Ward, Emperors Wharf, York.