WATER may be the elixir of life, but it can also be the cause of death.

With that in mind Jo-Anne Travena has launched AquaJorvik Ltd in Copmanthorpe, which advises businesses on ways to minimise the risk of legionella bacteria in their water systems.

So great has been the response to her services, particularly from care homes in York, that her venture is pitching for the New Business Of The Year title in The Press Business Awards, 2006. And she has been nominated in the Women In Enterprise category.

AquaJorvik offers step-by- step support and guidance to businesses wanting to adhere to the demanding regulations on management of water systems under Health And Safety law.

Jo-Anne's consultancy also offers training, conducts risk assessments, carries out disinfections and continuously monitors water samples.

The stakes are high. The legionella bacterium exists naturally in water, but in the water systems of properties it can thrive if given the chance. If the germ enters the lungs of vulnerable people, it causes a pneumonia-type disease which can be fatal.

Jo-Anne's background was in quality management and training, but with her 40th birthday looming and her son starting school, she started the organisation as a new challenge.

The business model came from the Midlands, where her father has successfully directed Nant Ltd, a water consultancy business, for the past 11 years.

AquaJorvik Ltd was formed in York, with Jo-Anne as managing director, with directors of Nant Ltd joining her and offering technical as well as financial help.

Having done her market research at several care homes in York, she was "impressed with the high level of appreciation for the risks involved within water systems that the care home owners already have.".

By the end of her first trading year next April, Jo-Anne hopes to get AquaJorvik recognised by the Legionella Control Association for good practice.