THE Press can today reveal where hundreds of abandoned business premises are located across York.

We reported in July how the number of properties lying empty had hit an all-time high of 739 in the wake of the recession – up by 90 since the previous May.

Now a freedom of information request to City of York Council has shown where the problem of vacant shops, offices, warehouse and other businesses is at its worst.

The number of empty premises by postcode

YO1: 188
YO10: 96
YO19: 33
YO23: 39
YO24: 82
YO26: 63
YO30: 101
YO31: 56
YO32: 61
YO41: 21

The Y01 postcode, essentially the city centre, has 188 empty premises, the highest number in York.

Streets with particular problems include Walmgate with 18, Micklegate with 11, Clifford Street with nine and Low Petergate with seven.

The West Offices in Station Rise are also empty, but these will soon be occupied as a new headquarters for the council.

According to the figures, the YO10 postcode has 96 empty premises, including a significant number at the York Science Park in Heslington.

It is said to have 15 vacant bioscience units, nine IT units and 11 Innovation Centre units.

But park marketing manager Erica Thorpe disputed the figures, saying there were currently four vacant bio-science units, four IT units and nine Innovation Centre units.

She said some suites listed by the council as vacant were now occupied, adding: “As you know we’re always keen to encourage start-ups and the fact that we have vacant units available means that there is somewhere for existing businesses to grow in to and make way for the new ones.”

The YO23 postcode has 39 empty properties, including the Terrys chocolate factory, soon to begin undergoing a major refurbishment.

YO19 has 33, including eight in Dunnington and more in Murton and Osbaldwick, while YO24 has 82, including 27 in Holgate Road – many at Holgate Park, on the site of the former York Carriageworks.

YO26 has 63, including 34 at different locations in Nether and Upper Poppleton, while YO30 has 101, including more than 70 several at Clifton Moor and Clifton.

Y031 has 56, including five shops in Gillygate, YO30 has 101, including several at Tower Court at Clifton Moor, and YO32 has 61 including 15 at Haxby and six at Stockton-on-the-Forest.

YO41 has 21, all at Elvington.

The council has claimed some of the increase in empty premises had been caused by businesses introducing flexible working, and said the new figures did not take account of recent modernisations and conversions in the city.

The figures were from August 18.

Business leader urges long-term view on city’s prospects

Well-known York businessman and chairman of York Professionals, John Yeomans, who is also a member of York’s Economic Partnership, said it was important to take a long-term view of business in the city.

He said: “Vacant premises are an indicator of the effects of the recession, but there is no guarantee that businesses and shops will actually be commercially successful.

The fact that there are empty units could enable entrepreneurs and investors to take advantage of these premises, and possibly on good rental terms.

“From a York PLC position, there’s work going on with regard to promotion and marketing York, and obviously there are sectors of the economy that are creating demand, like tourism and education at the university. That growth needs to continue, and on the back of it shops and other services should increase.” Mr Yeomans is part of a team organising a York Business Week from November 15 to 19, which will include a Tourism Futures Conference hosted by both the York St John Business School and Visit York on Wednesday, November 17, and The Press Business Awards 2010 at York Racecourse on the following day.

Mr Yeomans said: “Business Week will be an opportunity to showcase the city as a city of business, all of which is designed to encourage growth and inward investment.”