MEDIA attacks on the recent student protest in London might be loud, but they are missing the mood of the country at large.

The 50,000-strong demonstration opened a new chapter of resistance in Britain and marks a turning point in the fight to defeat the Con-Dems and their savage cuts.

The size and breadth of the demonstration, the mass of home-made placards, the walk-outs by further education and school students, the anger and passion were all inspirational.

After months of muttering about how the French wouldn’t stand for such attacks, the students turned the streets of London into Paris, and got activists across Europe talking about the inspiration of struggle in Britain. This was biggest student demonstration since 1985 when student action stopped Thatcher introducing fees. It was also the day the massive anger felt by millions of people at the Con-Dem government finally broke through.

That is why, despite the arrest of 57 people and a media witch hunt against the Millbank protesters, the bulk of popular sympathy remains with the students; even in the right-wing Daily Star a poll showed 70 per cent of readers backing the students.

Frank Ormston, Waverley Street, York.