I GENERALLY agree with Matthew Laverack’s sparring correspondence with Labour councillor Tracy Simpson-Laing, but to even think about sympathising with republicans in Britain is beyond the pale (The Press, November 25).

Mr Laverack gripes about a public holiday which has been declared for Prince William and the beautiful Kate Middleton’s wedding.

Just think of your contribution in paying employees’ wages for the day as sealing Britain’s future as a stable and reasonably sane society.

As for the real republicans out there, go and live in China or North Korea and sample what republicanism really means.

Bob Waite, Holgate, York.

• William and Kate
A match made in heaven,
You can tell at a glance,
The day that they met,
Was not 'just by chance',
May God bless their union,
The day they are wed,
'Soulmates forever',
Celestial led.

Anne Chelton, Foss Islands Road, York.