PARDON me, Terry Smith of Classic Cutz (Letters, November 25).

Regarding Joe Glenton being asked to “fight for queen and country”, I’m sure that when he signed on that’s what he joined for. But fighting in an unauthorised war, bringing our lads home in boxes, causing hatred among a large percentage of Afghan people, and in so doing causing many of their deaths, not to mention the billions of our cash intended for schools, hospitals etc redirected into the hands of the Taliban, thereby funding the very bombs which kills our lads – all of this is not what Joe Glenton signed up for.

We need our troops on the streets of our land protecting us – as I’ve read Germany are planning. The Afghan invasion is the prime reason we are in danger.

Ann Chelton, Foss Islands Road, York.

• I WOULD like to put Terry Smith right on his comments about Joe Glenton. When you join the Forces, you swear allegiance to the Queen and country, if attacked by other forces. We have not been attacked by other forces; terrorism is a separate issue.

I do wish you would think before you put pen to paper as you always get things mixed up, Terry – for example, you being a staunch working-class Tory yet Lord Young tells us we have never had it so good. Only a Tory, very wealthy Tory, could say that, yet you fall for all they come out with.

Time to get your history books out, Terry, on what Conservative means. It explains in the dictionary, definition of Tory, ie, I’m all right Jack, stuff the rest.

Tories love working class like you, but they laugh at you inwardly for being so naïve.

Peter Blake, Langley House Head, York.

• I WOULD like to reply to Terry Smith’s comments on anything that he believes is against his beloved Tories.

He sees fit to condemn the students actions (as I do, to a certain extent), but I would like to ask him one questions: which is worse, Tory HQ windows being smashed or people getting that depressed with Government policies that they contemplate suicide (and it’s a fact that there are more suicides under a Tory government).

As usually you don’t dare look into why people act like they do because you are just blinkered on Tory policies.

Just admit: they are, and always have been, against working class citizens (you are one for God’s sake).

By the way, why did you offer Dave your sympathies when his father died? You won’t get any brownie points; he doesn’t read this paper and doesn’t even know you exist.

Jo Cassidy, Thief Lane, York.