The annual anticipation of an influenza epidemic is upon us. Last year swine flu did not spread as seriously as expected.

This year apparently those entitled to the free injection, which includes swine flu protection, have not taken advantage in the numbers hoped for.

A few hundred cases have required people going to hospital, raising concerns by health officials and leading to political point-scoring by various politicians. Maybe there will be an epidemic, but such political exchanges will do nothing to prevent one.

There is a large number of people who simply will not have these free injections to protect them from this painful – sometimes lethal – experience. Their reasons for not having thje injections include: “when I had one I caught a bad cold, can’t stand needles, can’t be bothered, I’ve always been all right up to now, I never catch anything like that”.

The officials and everyone who believe that flu jabs help must keep plugging away to convince the disbelievers that, if nothing else, they should think about the people who will be inconvenienced by their ill health from an influenza attack.

J Beisly, Osprey Close, York.