STEREO equipment belonging to a noisy neighbour is to be destroyed after complaints about loud music blasting from his home.

It was the first case of its kind for City of York Council when they successfully prosecuted a man who had failed to abide by a notice ordering him to keep the noise down.

Now Craig Wrightson, formerly of Diamond Street, off Huntington Road, York, has been convicted in his absence by magistrates after he failed to attend court.

The court heard how Wrightson had breached a Noise Abatement Notice served by the council after complaints about loud music.

Magistrates fined him £250, ordered him to pay £509 costs and granted a forfeiture order allowing the source of the noise - Wrightson's turntables, amplifier and speakers - to be destroyed.

Terry Collins, the council's neighbourhood services director, said: "This is a great result and sends out a clear message that we will clamp down on those responsible for this type of nuisance behaviour."