THESE talented teenagers from East Yorkshire have reached the final of a national music competition.

Finlay Henderson and Billy Risso-Gill, both 14, are pupils at Pocklington School.

Their group, Palms 13, is one of the final ten acts selected in the OrtoPilot’s Live Lounge vocal competition.

They are performing Paolo Nutini’s Pencil Full of Lead, and need as many votes as possible before the end of February to gain a prize of some new recording equipment, which would help them produce better recordings of their music at home.

Martin Kettlewell, director of music at Pocklington School, said: “It has been a pleasure to see Billy and Fin develop their creative skills over the past two years.

“Both of them are committed to their music-making and show real flair in their work.

“Keep a close eye on the names; they have the talent to go far.”

On the basis of their entry to the vocal competition, Indy Baby Records has offered Palms 13 a one-year recording contract, including recording an album, which they are considering. Both Fin and Billy are passionate about music. Fin writes his own songs, which Palms 13 have recorded at home and published on YouTube and other websites, with more than 15,000 views on some videos. Both boys have formal music lessons on some instruments, but have improved their range by self- teaching themselves on an impressively long list of others. Fin has studied both piano and saxophone to grade eight. He is self-taught on guitar, bass guitar, drums, mandolin, ukulele and harmonica. Billy is studying for his grade 4 guitar with Dean Saint John at school, and is currently taught drums by Gareth Winstone in Hull. He is also self-taught on bass guitar and ukulele. Fin’s father, Dr Clive Henderson, a GP in Market Weighton, said: “We are very proud of what the boys have achieved.

“Fin came and told me about the competition; he’s pretty autonomous and gets on and does things and then he tells me about it later.

“What they need now is for people to vote for them.”

If you would like to support them you can vote for them at and select fin ‘Phil’ Henderson.

You can listen to and see an example of Palms 13 music at