THERE was a chance to check out classic cars and vintage memorabilia at an event in York at the weekend.

The Festival Of Vintage in the racecourse’s Knavesmire Stand showcased fashion, music and cars from the early to mid-twentieth century.

Keeley Harris, of Leeds-based organisers Discover Vintage, said it was the biggest event the company had organised to date, and hoped it would be popular enough to become an annual festival.

She said: “It went amazingly well. We’ve been very, very busy. I think we’ve had three to four thousand people through the door.

“Because it’s so much more than just a vintage fair, people have travelled from all over the country, as far as London and even Scotland. Hopefully we’ll be able to book another weekend next year and make it a regular event.”

As well as fashion shows and dance lessons, the festival also featured a hair and beauty parlour with hints and tips from professional TV makeup artist Bethany Davies, and a rare 1938 MG TA two-seater sports car owned by James Boldry, from Stockton-on-the-Forest.

Keeley said: “Before this we’ve arranged much smaller fairs across the region, and created the vintage wedding fair which we usually run at Harrogate and has been very popular.

“I think this has been so popular because there’s nothing particularly in the North of England that covers the era of this festival, running from the 1930s to the 1960s, and the range of music, fashion and displays. I’ll be speaking to the racecourse this week about possible dates for next year.”