YORK’S first green cemetery has opened.

Sue Galloway, the Lord Mayor of York, opened the burial ground, which is an extension to the existing Fulford Cemetery, yesterday.

Fulford Parish Council chairman Verna Campbell said the idea behind the cemetery was to offer a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternative to a traditional funeral and burial.

Coun Campbell said: “This is the city’s first green cemetery.

“Currently, the natural burial ground is simply a spacious green area open to the sky and rural views. Its entrance is marked by a wooden lych gate, and its edge bordered by a mix of indigenous trees, both established and saplings.

“However, detailed planting schemes are under way which mean that in future years the area will be framed with attractive glades of trees and adorned by swathes of bulbs and wild flowers. Oak, beech, pine, flowering cherry and crab apple are amongst the trees being planted.

“The area will be managed ecologically and it is hoped it will become a sanctuary for wildlife and birds alike in years to come.”

Natural burials are becoming more popular, and typically a “green” burial site is designed to remain as natural as possible.

It is usually an area which is allowed to remain wild with no manicured lawns, enabling it to become a haven for wildlife and wild flowers.

Internments are done in bio-degradable caskets or shrouds and often a traditional tree is planted over a grave. Costs for a York person to be buried in the new cemetery are cheaper than in the main part of Fulford Cemetery.

At £1,000 for a single plot and £1,100 for a double for a York resident, green grave prices are less than the £1,253 for a single grave and £1,323 for a double in the main cemetery.

The main cemetery has 22,000 graves and the new cemetery will have 1,000 graves, bringing the area of the cemetery in total to 28 acres.

Anyone wanting further information on the new cemetery can either liaise through an undertaker or phone the Fulford Cemetery superintendent on 01904 633151, email fulfordcemetery@tiscali.co.uk or fulfordparishcouncil.org.uk/cemetery