JANE Tyler and her RedBlack Software company of York are on a roll. You could even say a hot roll.

So much so, that her name has been put forward as a potential Business Personality Of The Year in The Press Business Awards 2006 - and her company is pitching for the Best Science & Technology Business title.

She and her ten staff at King's House, King Street, are using their software to help more than 60 local companies to turn their general business ideas into reality, saving them time and money.

But the hot roll allusion is apt because, before setting up RedBlack five years ago, Jane acquired a software application in the bakery sector from her uncle.

Building on this, RedBlack now supplies management software to more than 50 bakeries across the UK and Ireland.

What is more, the software, now known as CyBake, has evolved to offer an integrated system for sales, purchasing, stock and production, while linking into standard financial packages such as Sage, for which RedBlack is an accredited business partner.

Last year, the bakery software was refined to target the wider food manufacturing and processing sector, helping it to meet tough regulatory changes.

To this end, the software allows food processors to trace the source of every ingredient in every batch of products.

Jane has worked in the software industry for 15 years.

She said: "Historically, because RedBlack Software has provided bespoke software solutions built to address particular customer needs, the data at the heart of the systems provided has varied widely."

Meanwhile, RedBlack has linked up with York-based Clive Owen accountants and business advisers as well as Sage to offer a free seminar for businesses in York and North Yorkshire at the York Innovation Centre, in Heslington, on September 13.

There will be two sessions - at 9.30am and 2pm. To book, phone 01904 622888 or email Claire@redblack software.co.uk