I HAVE many friend and relatives living in and around the city of York.

I can’t for the life of me understand why any of them would vote for a Labour council, especially after the mess and debt the last Labour government got our country into.

And as far as councillor James Alexander is concerned, he is barely out of his nappies; how the heck can he be expected to lead a council the size of York? Or is it just me and that people are learning quicker these days and that experience counts for nothing?

A word of warning to the ratepayers of York – watch out!

Ken Holmes, Cliffe Common, Selby.

• TO THE new Labour council, well done and good luck. To the victors the spoils, namely responsibility for the millions in the taxpayers’ cookie jar. Do as you have promised – get the basics right and all will be well. Just one request please, no ideological, fanciful money-pit schemes.

Geoff Robb, Hunters Close, Dunnington.