A YORK charity which has helped thousands of older people in the city is marking its 40th birthday.

Age Concern York is celebrating the occasion with a service for hundreds of people in York Minster on Tuesday.

The event will also launch the transition of Age Concern York into Age UK York, due to the merger of Age Concern England and Help the Aged.

Sally Hutchinson, the current chief officer for Age Concern York, said: “Particularly at this time, when there’s so much change it’s going to be even more vital for organisations such as Age Concern York to continue to provide vital support for older people in difficult financial times.

“We have always been and will remain an independent local charity and we are responsible for delivering local support for the people of York.

“We hope that no one would hesitate to contact us.”

The retired cricket umpire Dickie Bird will attend the service and Father Andrew Foster, the hospital chaplain and a long-time friend of the charity, will give an address.

There will be singing from pupils from Heworth and Poppleton Road Primary Schools and music by the Railway Institute Golden Rail Band.

Ms Hutchinson said the late Jack Archer, the former president of Age Concern York, would be remembered at the service.

Afterwards, a ticketed tea party is being held at the Guildhall with a presentation of long service certificates.

The Minster service is being held at 2pm on Tuesday and is open to everyone.