AN EU referendum was promised by Mr Blair and others because of the profound changes and adverse effects upon the UK, which are becoming more obvious by the day.

Threats of doom when we leave the EU have proved to be fiction. EU trade with the EU will continue, as it does with China, Brazil, Norway, USA, etc.

Border control is needed to stop the suppression of wage levels, the impairment of many small businesses and reduce the pressures on the entire social welfare system which we funded.

UK laws should emanate from Westminster, not from an unelected elite in Brussels ,but the political class with its snout in the trough of tax payers’ money in the EU is determined to see this country subjugated.

It is time that our foreign policy, army, police and legal system were freed from EU interference.

Ian Oglesby, High Catton Road, Stamford Bridge, York.

• AS THE EU slowly but surely reaches bankruptcy due to the failure of the euro in most of the countries that adopted the single currency, would it not be only fair to the population of Britain to hold a referendum as whether to stay or leave the EU?

This referendum has been promised but never come to fruition. Could this be due to the fact that the EU is run by failed politicians from various countries.

These failed politicians are told what to do by faceless unelected bureaucrats who have no idea of how to run raffle, let alone a continent.

These people in Brussels will not bankrupt a single country like Gordon Brown, but a whole continent and no doubt someone else will be to blame.

This will put all Europe to the bottom of the financial market so once again politicians give us a referendum and a chance to get out of this corrupt club called the EU, because for years the auditors will not sign off the accounts due to billions of euros that can not be accounted for due to false claims and bad accounting.

TJ Ryder, Priory Gardens, North Lane, Dringhouses, York.