Nearly £1,400 has been handed to a life-saving charity in memory of a motorcyclist who died in a an accident.

Karen, Chloe and Jamie Peacock presented a cheque for £1,395 to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance at Green Hammerton Social Club, in memory of Trevor Peacock.

Mr Peacock, 42, was killed last year in a collision near Towton.

A car driver was convicted of driving without due care and attention in connection with the incident.

Karen, Chloe and Jamie have been trying to come to terms with this loss that will leave a hole in their lives. Karen thanked Lorraine Jackson and Dougie and Simon Mack for all their help and the money raised from barbecues they organised. Other fundraising events have included a ladies’ pamper evening and an Ann Summers party.

Donations for raffle prizes at these events were also gratefully received from Transit Motorcycles, Stiano Motorcycles, Boroughbridge Autos, Hair by Marc, Aldwalk Manor, Skipbridge filling Station, Squires at Sherburn, and many more.