REGARDING Miss Stier’s letter concerning the RSPCA charity shop (Letters, May 20), I am a great supporter of this shop and the home in Landing Lane.

Maybe Miss Stier does not realise that the goods have been donated by the generous people of York.

Most of the staff are volunteers who help fundraise in other ways by supporting flag days, tombolas, raffles, book sales, etc – as well as collecting the goods for sale from the donators, all of which helps the animals in the shelter.

We have had several cats from the home. One, Katy had been returned several times and was aged about ten when we adopted her. What makes Katy unusual is that she is blind.

Maybe Miss Stier should volunteer her services and see how much hard work goes into making the shop and the home a success and a great asset for the people of York and the animals it all helps.

Elizabeth Wilson, Long Ridge Drive, Upper Poppleton, York.