THE residents of Badger Hill have a growing problem with parked cars from the new wing of the University of York.

This, from my point of view, caused by the council not allowing more car parking spaces on the new site. The council took good green belt and allowed the university to build. But now residents have to pick between three options as to how we deal with the problem.

We didn’t want this problem in the first place. Didn’t common sense tell the planners that quite a few cars would all need to park?

Did the bright chap who decreed it a no-car zone not wonder where people would park their, or did he think that by magic they wouldn’t come in them?

I rest my case. Common sense is sadly lacking.

Try living in the real world, lads and lasses – we have to.

Rita Crombleholme, Deramore Drive, Badger Hill, York.