IT IS good news that the new Labour administration in York has committed to supporting the bid that has been submitted for three new Park&Ride sites in York.

It is less encouraging to find (The Press, May 31) that it expects to ask council taxpayers to find another £300,000 to help fund the £26 million project. The Govern-ment already expects the city to find £3.5 million of the costs.

What Transport Minister Norman Baker has asked the council to do is see whether the costs of the project can be reduced. So-called value engineering in modern terminology.

The council should also be on the lookout for additional S106 contributions from new developments to ease the burden on taxpayers.

The development of land at the York Business Park – which has had a planning permission for over a decade – could produce a much-needed financial boost for the Access York project.

Donald Smith, Falsgrave Crescent, York.