PAUL Cordock once again tries to blame the provision of affordable housing on the lack of development taking place in York, this time at Hungate (Letters, June 2).

Affordable housing has not been the issue but the market and the cost. Two-bedroom flats range from £240,000 to £325,000 – depending on the view – while a four-bedroom house is £399,950 and a five-bed £525,000. Rent for two-bed flats ranges from £800 to £1,700 per month Most of the city’s workers can only dream of being able to live at Hungate, with the rents being more than a large proportion of their gross monthly income. As for obtaining a mortgage, impossible.

With York’s residents struggling to pay current private-sector rent levels and obtain mortgages for starter homes I think the explanation to why Hungate is not moving forward is easy – residents cannot afford to buy or rent the flats and houses.

York needs homes that its residents can afford and this is why the Labour group supports affordable housing in the city.

Coun Tracey Simpson-Laing, Cabinet member for housing health and adult social services.