THE centre of Harrogate would see major pedestrianisation work under a radical blueprint drawn up on behalf of traders in the town.

The scheme, intended as an alternative to plans by North Yorkshire County Council, would see one of Harrogate’s main routes, Parliament Street, turned over to pedestrians and a new square formed around the cenotaph.

Philip Lunn, managing director of Lateral, the Harrogate-based developers which drew up the plan, urged the county council to adopt the alternative scheme, which he said was supported by the Harrogate branch of tearooms Bettys.

Local historian and writer Malcolm Neesam said: “This finely thought out proposal should achieve major improvements to one of the town’s most important thoroughfares and its hinterland, without reducing the economic viability of Harrogate’s other retail areas. It is sympathetic to the existing built-up environment, to heritage, to pedestrian flow, and proposes upgrading which will improve the whole town centre.”

The objectives set out in the plan include improving pedestrian links between the town’s main “cultural, tourist and retail assets”, and creating large public spaces to host “a major events programme”.

It also seeks to cement Harrogate’s reputation as a conference venue and secure the future success of Harrogate International Centre.

Andrew Baker, group chief executive of Bettys and Taylors, said: “We fully endorse and support Lateral’s vision, as we believe it represents a most positive development for the town centre of Harrogate.”

The alternative plan proposed by the county council focused on pedestrianising Station Parade, re-routing southbound A61 traffic down East Parade, along with the pedestrianisation of James and Princes Streets.

The new application is expected to be submitted before the end of this year.