In response to Mr D Wardell (Letters, June 10), I would probably consider voting UKIP, but do all UKIP voters agree that anybody who is a benefit recipient is a problem?

Godfrey Bloom’s original offensive comments made no allowances for those people who genuinely rely on the welfare state, not because they are work-shy but because they are severely disabled through no fault of their own.

Bloom clearly has the political guile of a limpet and as long as he continues to spout this kind of tripe UKIP will never be taken very seriously.

And on the issue of Europe, how come other EU countries seem to be able to live by their own laws? France recently re-imposed border controls with Italy; Germany has managed to create a huge manufacturing base within the bureaucratic constraints of Europe; Denmark even managed to ban Marmite. Leaving the EU would not solve the UK’s problems.

It’s time we looked at ourselves and stopped looking for scapegoats, be it the ever encroaching bureaucratic EU, greedy bankers, overpaid public sector workers, work-shy benefit cheats, expense-cheating career MPs, immigrants, Blair, Brown or Thatcher.

Rob Oliver, Crombie Avenue, York.