IT WAS interesting to read the letters from Sue Towers (Letters, June 13) and Mr and Mrs Rodick Letters, June 8) giving opposing views to the changes at the Explore Library in York.

Well, at least they can actually get there. Thanks to the removal of the disabled parking spaces in Library Square, it is now impossible for someone like me who cannot walk any distance to go to the library. I know that there is parking on Blake Street and Lendal, but both of those are outside my walking range, and as I value my independence I do not want to depend on people to drop me off each time I want to go to the library. I thought as a society, and under the Disability Discrimination Act, we were trying to make places more accessible not less accessible.

So how has the library got away with making access to the building more difficult for people with mobility problems?

Gill Thompson, Skiddaw, York.