I AM one of the “super fit” quartet A Oliver mentions in his letter about the Naked Bike Ride (Letters, June 15).

Super-fit I am not, and would be the first to admit this. He also makes reference to our “dedication” to cycling.

Well, I do not have a driving licence. I cycle to and from work and cycle my children to school whenever work allows. No, I am hardly dedicated. I don’t watch the Tour de France or shave my legs to ride faster, but I bet I cycle more than you do.

Also, my tattoos are not visible on a day-to-day basis. If you were to meet me in the street on a normal day, you would not even know I have them.

We were asked to pose for the camera that way, so I assume you are referring to the fact that we were riding four abreast, and not to my size, as this would be offensive to some, although not to me as I am happy with who I am.

We all kept our modesty, as we are family men, just having a laugh and hoping for our 15 minutes of fame.

Thanks to A Oliver, I think it was achieved.

Christian Potter, Slessor Road, Acomb, York.