I WAS pleased to note in your June 28 edition, a note that Holgate Windmill will be open this coming weekend. It is starting to look impressive now, with the recent addition of its fantail.

Unfortunately, your article stated wrongly that the mill is situated in Acomb. As its name suggests, it is located in Holgate.

One clue lies in the name of Acomb Road which is wholly in Holgate and so named because it leads to/from Acomb. Holgate’s western border is at Regent Buildings, where sharp-eyed readers may notice one of several Holgate border signs that are fastened to lampposts in the district. These were initiated many years ago by a local historian, the late David AA Lodge. He was keen that Holgate’s identity should not be subsumed into the Acomb area.

The relocated Acomb Primary School (West Bank) and police station are both situated in Holgate and should be renamed accordingly.

However most local estate agents are now managing to get it right, in their advertisements.

Paul Hepworth, Windmill Rise, Holgate, York.