YORK fireman Andy Law has pledged to lend a helping hand to elderly and disabled people in the area on the switchover from analogue to digital television.

With only six weeks to go to switchover, Blue Watch at Acomb Fire Station is urging the city’s residents to follow in Andy’s footsteps and lend a helping hand by thinking of someone they know that may need help and letting them know about the Switchover Help Scheme.

Eligible people have been posted a Help Scheme information pack explaining the offer and will be getting a follow up reminder letter.

However, Blue Watch is urging everyone who has already switched to digital to reach out to those older and disabled people they know who may still need help.

Help Scheme representative Matthew Barker will be at Haxby Carnival, on Saturday, Barlow Village Hall, on Wednesday, and Carlton Village Hall, on Thursday, all from 5pm to 7pm.