A LETTER in The Press of July 21 told of homes being lost in Union Terrace.

Paul Symons and his mother were not the only ones subjected to a development that was going to be.

Where the car park is in Marygate, my parents lived in a block of terrace houses down there with other residents. The affected streets were Bean Street, Walker Street and Clayton Street, where my parents and I lived.

It was a similar story – we were told flooding of the houses was the reason for demolition at that time and all we needed was a barrier like they have now down there today and no doubt we would have still been there.

As it was, we relocated to a new development in the Nunnery Lane area. Can you imagine life today if we had knocked down all houses because they flooded?

Can I just say, the happy times of those I lived with their during my childhood will never be forgotten, and those many treasured memories and thoughts at this time as writing this letter.

I wonder how many readers remember that area and have their own memories of living there.

Keith Chapman, Custance Walk, Nunnery Lane, York.