TWO more inspirational children have been put forward for the 2011 Community Pride Awards.

Margaux Barker underwent open heart surgery at Leeds General Infirmary last year, to repair an atrial septal defect, or hole in her heart, discovered by doctors when she was a few weeks old.

The problem had to wait until Margaux was old enough to cope with the operation, which took place in April last year.

Margaux’s mother, Myriam, said: “She was amazingly brave before the surgery, during her stay in the hospital, and during her convalescence at home.

“Nothing she went through took the smile away from her face. She’s come out a much stronger and confident little girl, who is full of life.”

Margaux is now five years old and attends Knavesmire Primary School. She has to have yearly check ups to monitor the progress of her heart.

Margaux’s father, Paul, said: “She’s brilliant now, no problems at all. She’s just a normal lovely five-year-old.”

Fellow nominee William Rhodes suffers from diamond blackfan anaemia, which has required monthly treatment since birth, and left his major organs badly damaged due to an iron build-up.

Despite this, he remains happy and courageous, said William’s mother, Caroline. She said: “He is such a brave little boy, he has received life-saving blood transfusions every month since he was born.

“Now he is two-and-a-half, it is getting a little more difficult for him day to day. He obviously wants to play and run around like any normal child, but he doesn’t understand that he doesn’t always have the energy to do this, and he gets very frustrated and upset.

“Considering all William has to go through, week-in, week-out, he copes with it so well and is an absolute pleasure to be around. He’s the happiest little boy I have ever known.”

Nominations for the 2011 Community Pride Awards are now closed, and the short list of winners will be announced next month.