CHILDREN from a nuclear disaster site have been welcomed in towns and villages around Selby.

The visit has been organised by the Chernobyl Children’s Project, and hopes to give the nine to 12-year-olds a change from their home environment in Ukraine.

Margaret Miles, from the charity, said: “The children are here for four weeks, to give them respite from their atmosphere and get some good food and water. They’re staying in pairs with families in Church Fenton, Selby and elsewhere, and we’re taking them to Filey and on different excursions every other day.”

The children also met chairwoman of Selby District Council, Kay McSherry, and are set to go bowling with the Elmet Lions. Margaret said: “We’ve been going on walks, and we’re going to Lightwater Valley too. Even though they were born long after the disaster, it still affects the area they live in. They are very much enjoying themselves.”