A PUB landlord from York who was married in Norway at the time of the recent shootings is to hold a fundraising night to help regenerate the island where the tragedy happened.

Steve Bradley, 41, of the Fulford Arms, was in the far north of the country marrying his Norwegian fiancée, Ellisef, as news of both the Oslo bombing and the fatal violence on the island of Utoeya began to reach those gathered for the marriage.

He said: “The Norwegians don’t need charity but there is a commitment to rebuild and renovate Utoeya island; it’s about regeneration.”

The couple were married in the village of Kistrand on July 23, the day after the shootings, and had watched the horrific events unfold. He also described the sombre mood of the country in the aftermath of the murders.

“It was weird because we were there for our own wedding then and news started flowing through to where we were up north. A couple of people at the wedding knew some of the people who died.

“But Norway is only a population of about five million people so there is good chance people will know some of the victims. When we flew back it was very sombre at the airport.”

The special fundraising night is scheduled to take place at the pub on Fulford Road on August 20, and will feature live music from local bands.

Steve said: “It’s an all-day event from 2pm to midnight. We will be running a few raffles and passing a collection bucket around.”

For more details, visit fulfordarms.co.uk